Visit with ACT at Booth 103 at the TVMA Annual Conference: Friday, March 04, 2016 8:00 AM – Sunday, March 06, 2016 12:30 PM
Texas agriculture teachers, join us in San Marcos to learn about the TVMA Certified Veterinary Assistant program, its benefits, and how to implement it in your classroom! TVMA has generously waived the registration fee for Texas Ag Science teachers to the conference, exhibit hall and CE lectures. ACT and Dr. Robert Gribble from Hallsville, Texas will present a lecture and hands on workshop on Sunday, March 6 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Spa and Conference Center in San Marcos, Texas. We will begin at 8 am and end at 12:30 pm. $30 Wet Lab Fee Applies at Registration.
Dr. Gribble will speak about integrating the TVMA Certified Veterinary Assistant at all levels, and resulting benefits to the patients, clients, employees, student, school, business owner, practice manager and industry.
Veterinarians and LVTs will learn how and why to implement the CVA program with their own staff, how to become a mentor to high school animal science students interested in veterinary medicine, and how to identify and recruit great future employees. Educators will learn about the role of the veterinary assistant and how to facilitate learning for students interested in becoming a CVA and exploring the animal health care industry as a career path.
In the workshop, educators will learn to simulate real-world scenarios in the classroom to facilitate relevant, hands-on learning activities. DVM-approved methods to bring the veterinary hospital into the classroom will be demonstrated for the purpose of teaching of core competencies required of a CVA level I.